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Moments You May Not Realize Could Cause Bad Breath

Just because you are on top of your oral hygiene, that doesn’t mean that bad breath can’t still pop up.

On the go moments

4 On-The-Go Moments That May Cause Bad Breath

Here are some common everyday situations in which a quick swish could be just the ticket.

Number 01

A Busy Day at the Office

Bad breath lurks around every cubicle. Whether it’s the quick lunch you had to take because you’re running from meeting to meeting, the birthday that was just celebrated with those special cupcakes or just an afternoon snack, those sugary, high-protein foods can produce breath that is not nearly as fresh as your ideas to boost sales.

Number 2

First Date

Meeting someone for the first time can be stressful. But it’s important not to panic. Even though you may have brushed, flossed and rinsed before you got to the restaurant, the stress can dry out your mouth resulting in unpleasant odors. Ruining the potential for a pleasant evening.

Number 3

Drinks with Friends

Meeting up with friends is always a great way to release stress. But the more you toast to good times, the more likely you will have a decrease in saliva production in your mouth. Creating an environment for odor-causing bacteria that can linger long after the party is over.

Number 4

The Commute Coffee

Stopping for coffee on your way into work may be an essential part of your routine. Especially on Monday mornings. Meaning you may want to take 30 seconds and give your mouth a quick clean before greeting your co-workers with coffee breath.