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Top 5 Foods For Healthy Gums

Routine brushing, flossing and rinsing keep your mouth in good health. and while you need these powerful weapons in your bacteria-fighting arsenal, you could always use reinforcement.

Woman with white teeth smiling


Beyond limiting the sugary sweets and harsh, acidic foods that can irritate gums, here are five foods for healthy teeth and gums to consider adding as a part of a healthy, balanced diet.

01. Ginger

When researching how to get healthy gums, you might not have considered this food, but ginger root is considered a healing herb. Its anti-inflammatory properties promote healthy tissue in your mouth, and it’s one of the good herbs for gum disease prevention.

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02. Apples

Eating an apple can take a while, and that’s a good thing for your mouth. Munching spurs a cleansing action that shakes up the plaque clinging to gums and teeth. Firm fruits, such as apples, are nutritious and eating them can help your dental health.

green apples

03. Dairy

Milk and other dairy products, such as cheese and yogurt, are great foods for strong teeth and gums and they are packed with bone-fortifying calcium. No milk around? Eat a piece of cheese instead.

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04. Fiber

It’s no secret that salad greens pack an all-around healthy punch. But they’re also especially successful at keeping mouths clean because they’re fiber-packed, meaning they require serious chewing to break down. The extra saliva produced by chewing away harmful acids. High-fiber stringy foods such as raw spinach, celery and cooked beans are other examples of good foods for gums.

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05. Vitamins & Supplements

Although technically not a food, sometimes you need to get “healthy gums” vitamins and minerals another way. Although a healthy, balanced diet is the best option, your healthcare professional might suggest supplements for healthy gums if there is a concern.

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